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  • Writer's pictureFrosty Knight

LGBQT and Feminist ideology

Again let me start by saying I am not in any medical field and going off stats and biology that is commonly known as well as some that may be considered unknown to the general public. Note well looking for studies it is extremely hard to find a unbiased study or research paper on the psychology of LGBQT people. The cpa aka the Canadian psychological association shows huge bias of scientific theory when they clearly show in their 2010 statement on their website they are in favor of adolescent children to be a gender of their choice. The Ontario provincial government website is no different.  Dose it not make sense that when a child is growing up that they will identify with their surrounding environment and be influenced by it ? Thus would it not be also responsible to be worry of parents or teachers forcing their ideals on their kids having a direct psychological impact? So by this reasoning it should be a vary common theory that it could be made to be a psychological problem based on some form mental or psychological abuse . It dose hold weight in many pretext. This is why I strongly disagree with both the government of Ontario's findings as well as the CPA . Adolescent children are generally wanting to be accepted in a social group growing up or may want to find their purpose in life and thus join groups like the LGBQT who force their ideals onto people and thus creating a psychological epidemic. It could also be said for gang recruitment as well but there are prevention programs in place for this not for young adolescent children being manipulated or forced into the gender identity BS. There has been a few psychologist that have published this statement clearly including Dr. Jordan Peterson whom is in many respects a strong voice for reason. Our children need to be taught at the right adolescent stages in life based on their own psychological growth and learning ability.I think it's prudent they should be taught the actual facts both biologically and psychologically so they can make the choice responsibly and not be manipulated or forced into things . Having honest and true debate comes with growth both mentally and physically. A child is not capable of this at a young age and thus I am absolutely against the psychological abuse of children in this regard. (Let's just call it what it really is!). Second parents should stand up for their kids and not bow to peer pressure from other special interests groups or teachers association that force things on school boards and principles due to their feelings without any real evidence or facts . The other part of this story is that adult LGBQT don't represent all of the community they are saying they represent. They vary much do have their own agenda. This has been proven by changes to human rights code here in Canada stating that a person must not be discriminated against by a person's gender identity . This forces people to use their pronouns that can be almost anything and alot of times words that are made up and do not happen organically.  So for example if I walk into a bar and see a trans female(Male tuned female) and don't know it's a trans female then call him a her as I see that person as a female I could be changed under that act . Or perhaps I disagree with the premises that the individual is a female and call them by their biological sex not wanting to contribute to the on going self destructive behaviors and psychological abuse that the person is causing themselves and simply want them to be honest with themselves to better their psychological condition or way of life . Not to be a bully to put this out there . Then I could be changed under the act . How is this reasonable? Simply put it is not . True fact here if you accept who you are as a person and bare the responsibility of your actions in life then I have no issue with you . When you lie to yourself and deny who you are it's like punching yourself over and over again and is not healthy. If you are a Trans male or female please understand that if you accept you were born as a man and choose to later be a woman on your own validation and choice that is completely your choice and I have nothing against it or you but be honest with yourself and others about it . Same goes if your a female wanting to be a male . As well as don't force your ideals on others . Gays have been around for centerist even during the Roman Empire.  I have nothing against gays as long as you again realize it was your choice and bare the responsibility which alot of them do . I am a straight man so this goes without saying I think lesbians are hawt !! .Hey gotta love the woman. . !  I don't know what queer actually refers to in LGBQT so someone please enlighten me . Bisexuals are awesome . I personally have been with a bisexuals woman and damn can never get enough.  Also question for anyone out there ... Whatever happened to the terms heterosexual , bisexuals, transexual, asexual as the scientific names for sexual choice? Just a random thought.  Okay on to the next part.

Now for Feminist ideology

First off let me say I care for women vary much and I do believe they should be protected and respected. I do believe in equal treatment between the sex's and things not be one sided . Here in Canada stats do show pay inequality as for every dollar a male gets a woman gets 72 cent's on average. There are less woman in management roles but  52 % have degrees or some form of higher education based on stats . I'm going with them as they seem less bias . However what I have seen more recently is that woman are taking up management positions. I have met many highly skilled woman in the workforce and are great to work with .

So here is the actual definition of feminism:The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

So in practice anyone that believes in equality between the sexes is a feminist. Anyone see the hypocrisy here . I agree that there is some inequality however what modern feminist put out in the public is more along the lines of woman rights come first and men don't matter. That woman should get whatever they want without actually working for it .That woman have rights above and beyond everyone else. That is not inequality but laziness and dose a disservice to all woman in alot of ways . If you are certified or qualified for a job then you will more then likely be hired to do it unless your have a asshat as a owner running said business. Yes there are those to ... Please don't play the victim card unless you really are a victim and if you are then speak up against those businesses so the public can know about them . Just be fair and reasonable. Lastly do your research and understand what you believe fully, both the good and bad . If you can't and someone like me calls you out on it then you only look like a fool in the eyes of the person you are talking to or the public. Perfect example of this is the more recent interview with Jordan Peterson and Mrs Cathy Newman with Chanel 4 news . Respect goes both ways .. (it's on YouTube)

Last but not least I am not affiliated with anyone and these are my own findings and opinions.

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