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  • Writer's pictureFrosty Knight

Moral and Ethical objections

Good evening. As I write this tonight I am vary much annoyed beyond words and disheartened by the SJW leftist virtue signaling narcissistic protests that continue to plague our great nation and in all forms of our government.This is being done without any real factual information or evidence being provided and in a violent way. This comes in the form of government making policy that oppress people  . This is being done by oppression via legislation to force compeled speech in reference to gender pronouns as well as in what is being taught to children in elementary and secondary schools here in Canada in regards to LGBQT . The LGBQT are not the only ones doing this but also extremist feminist groups and other special interests groups that have their own personal agendas. If you look at the CPA website which governs the policy of phycologist in Canada it clearly defies scientific theory in regards to gender/sex  because of pressure from these groups. Not because of scientific research. 

First off, So that you all understand clearly what my beliefs are. It's actually rather simple. I do not believe in causing harm to others. I believe that I have ownership of my own body , That I have the fundamental right to protect myself against acts of violence but not to force my views on others and as well not to have others force my views or action on others . To violate these principles would be emoral, unethical and unjust. Lastly that  government should only be used to protect people. I believe in free markets and less government, Less regulations and less taxes and I do believe in capitalism not cronny capitalism. Religion and Government should always be separate. 

So now that's out in the wild . I want to talk about the far left neo leftist/ Marxist . Some things that have been happening in Canada at Queen's university in regards to a lecture by Jordan Peterson who is a clinical psychologist that is known for his controversial talks on compelled speech . Recently the above mentioned legislation has been implemented in the Ontario Human Rights Code under the discrimination clause . This was done under the strong  objections from bother Jordan Peterson and others .The Librial government was responsible for unanimously voting this garbage in. They have also made it part of children's curriculum in Elementary and high school. As well as in the last federal budget . On a side note of someone is interested Jordon Peterson has a new book called 12 rules for life which is widely publicized as a self help book . I suggest giving it a read .He has been labeled as alt right by the far left Marxists without any real factual evidence or truth to it and has been ostracized by media under the same missleading and false naritives that they try to push on him like he his assuming sexist against women or a transphob , or racists and saying he practices hate speech . In fact I can honestly tell you as someone who has seen his YouTube videos that he is not by no means alt right.or any of the above. He has clearly stated publicly that he is a classical librial which if you know anything about this it is a varent of libertarian .. During his previous lecture at Queen's university in Kingston Ontario it was disrupted for 90 minutes with students and faculty members protesting against him calling what he was saying hate speech and referencing him as alt right. They banged on windows to the Great Hall disrupting the event with a sign saying " the freedom to smash bigotry". Which makes no sense as there is nothing anywhere that suggest that he is a such a thing.  My question is were is security and police? Why do these narcissistic neo left wing sjws feel that they can get away with vandalism and criminal acts and cost people money? It's is emoral in the most definitive and literal terms . Why do university faculty members support such actions against others ? It stands to reason that if you can not talk about something honestly and using some self respect then perhaps you should not be in college or university. The whole idea of post secondary education is a open exchange of ideas by means of having open debate and honest discussion. If you can not talk about something honestly then how can you aknowlage it and attempt to evolve one's mind to possibly come up with salutations ? . Do not stand for oppression of free speech because you feel offended but yet disagree, object and talk about things that matter to you. Ranting and raving dose not solidify a point but only makes you lose creditability in the eyes of the public and me . 

There was another leftest antifa protest against a YouTube content creator called Sargon of akkad whom had the same issue and the difference is that one of the protesters went to far and committed a assult on people. Security did eventually remove them and public stood up against them . They being the protesters then left with one of them getting punched by someone from the public. I am saying this clearly and truthfully. If someone put their hands on me I would and will arrest them or disable them with equal measure. I again don't believe in commiting acts of violence against people unless in self defense or another person or their property. When someone dose commit acts of violence against people that is unjustified they(the aggressor) deserve equal treatment or retaliation.

A message for you Marxists SJWs whom fail to see the error in your ways . Don't let yourself be manipulated by false naritives and other special interests groups and learn the difference between facts , evidence and truth vs virtue signaling and emotional plees. Do your research. Don't let anyone tell you how to think or what is appropriate as you are your own person and are responsible for your actions. Have some self respect by being honest with yourself and choosing to act in a moral and ethical way. Virtue signaling and identity politics will only devide people and creat a communist regime. Don't oppress peoples beliefs because you don't agree with them but learn to talk openly about them . This is why hate speech is a dangerous thing is because we can't talk about something when we can't honestly define what constitutes hate speech as it is subjective. 

May there be Balance, Justice, Respect, Reason, Peace and Life in all things we do and until I write again. Bye for now !  

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