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  • Tha Canadien Frost

Homelessness and Real Estate

Good afternoon . After reading articles about the Maple Ridge B.C modular housing projects I think its time to take a moment or two to really think on this for a moment. The general intent behind this project is to provide housing for the homeless which is being funded by the tax payer. You may be sitting back and thinking to yourself this is a noble cause and is better then having them on the streets right!. However is it?. Think on this for a few moments! . How many homeless people are on the streets that have been through the justice system many times over and have been through rehab and failed . Then they land back on the street. It is a endless cycle because they have no access to mental health services , they have a tenancy to get addicted to drugs because they can't afford their medications that keep them in a stable or healthy condition so they look to the streets, then they commit crimes because they cant control themselves and end up in our justice system and funding their habits through criminal activity which costs business and people alike . Anyone see the hypocrisy here?. I ask you the reader "Is it morally or ethically right to force people to change when they don't want to or to incentive further acts of emoral behavior? I personally think this is wrong morally and ethically.

Also consider this... When this is built it will drive more homeless people out of the city into that community . This will mean of course that the government will have to fund privet security to keep people safe as well as cleaning staff to clean up the needles and sharps which will drive up the costs. That's not including the price of hydro, electricity and heating . Who is going to pay for this in the end? Well you all will because government is a shit show when dealing with matters like this. They will use it as a further excuse to raise property taxes in your area or other means to pay for it. The financial structure of this would have to mean it goes through a governing body as well meaning that you will be paying even more public sector employees to push paper. Dose this project still sound appealing to you? These are things government will not tell you because they want to incentive's their crony capitalist friends that pay into their political parties or projects. You all This is also grows the public sector job market growing the costs of running government. You all must be wondering the writer is just bitching without any real plan to solve this right? Well lets explore some ideas together shall we?I have a theory!!

What if the BC provincial government gave grants or a tax exemption so charities do not have to pay taxes and allowed to fund raise as long as they act in a moral and ethical way? This could mean they could pay for security and cleaning staff and possibly a part time social worker without the mass overhead that government creates. There are a lot of ways this can work out. Think of this what if as part of the Universities programs that psychology students are asked to part take in volunteer work at a local shalter for credits ? This can be used as work experience as well. You can have make it so security personal whom volunteer at shelters don't have to pay for security licence renewal so that security can get a better idea of how to help the people in need. If security personal spend 7 days out of a year to do this we have 275 guards here in BC. You do the math.. Did you know that every dollar that a person gives to charity is taxable as well! Its true and this is also morally and ethically wrong in my opinion. Another idea is to promote privet business to advertise patron or go fund me pages on business websites . I am almost 100% certain that most people given the chance will support charities that are doing things with a good cause behind them like feeding the homeless and providing temporary shalter for homeless.

I personally don't think it is wise to get government involved in social issues like this . It only creates more chaos . Yes I get them being on the street is not a good option either but again you can't change someone by means of force or force your ideals on others. This is morally and ethically wrong!!! It is one of the main reasons why I don't support any government initiative in regards to social issues . People we all also must be accountable to our actions and stop asking government to solve our problems as this is a contributing factor in their behavior. If we all simply work together with privet business and people we can always find a common ground and way to move forward. It has to start with you!!

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