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  • The Canadian Frost

Political Parties

Good morning,Evening or good day everyone! After seeing many articles about political parties and alternatives to the Liberal government and Justin Truedue Marxist liberals, I think it vital to take a look at each parties history and current political stances. Let the truth be told as it commonly known!. My intent behind this is simply to bring to light the gross mismanagement of government by all parties and so that everyone can see them as they stand before you. Note I will be adding my opinion in each.

First off I will start with the Liberals . The first Liberal government that was formed in Canadian history was in 1873 by Alexander Mackenzie who was unable to cope with the economic issues at the time and was against protectionism but for renewed relations with the USA for trade deals and at this time he was also for appealing to a range of interests divided by region, language, ethnicity, and social class. You must be asking what dose this mean?. Essentially it means classifying groups of individuals into social groups instead of looking at each person as a individual. This is what the Marxist philosophy is about . Even today they have not wavered from these ideals! This is what kind of harm it has caused the economy and people. It has raised our national debt dramatically each time they have come into power . When this happens they increase taxes to cover the costs as well as make bad trade deals that only harm local businesses. They increase public sector jobs and restrict privet sector jobs. The crown corporations they run are miss managed and there is no accountability what so ever. They have also historically screwed up international relationships and embarrass our country on a grand scale. This has been true since they were formed. Today Justin Teaudue and his political ideals are hard to follow as he restricts free speech by manipulation of discrimination laws via the compelled speech forcing people to call someone by their preferd pronouns with a list that is growing by the day. He tanks our economy by not being responsible with your tax dollars and forces a carbon tax on all of Canada that dose nothing to actually fight carbon. He violates ethics laws and holds no one to account for it and as well as disrespects our troops. Not to mention that he interferes in privet business for his own political reasons and fails to properly plan and negotiate with the energy sector thus driving prices and demand up knowing that supply will be effected enormously . Hint: Just because Trans Mountain pipeline may not be effective dose not mean energy east or negotiating more refineries couldn't be looked into!. This general ideals of this party has been flawed from day one and their political backers mostly consist of big oil and real estate elitists.

The Conservatives or PC party was actually the first governing party of Canada that was actually called the Liberal-Conservative party of Canada in 1867 under Sir John A McDonald . They changed their name in 1942 to the progressive party and in 2003 they merged with the Canadian Alliance party to become the PC party. This is important to note as the level of destabilization within the party has always been evident . They have always believed in protectionism and vary much against social programs that inflate government spending. Due to Liberal inflation of social programs and public sector jobs when PC came into power they became vary unpopular due to the fact they wanted to cut waste and people became dependent on these programs. The Liberals have always used this as a means to play identity politics and blame PC members for neglectful actions of Liberals. The Neo-Conservatives are actually philosophically about individualism and economic liberalism not the far right which is what some would have you believe. The far right is a term used by Liberals to discredit the PC party members as racist which is what is a example of identity politics. The major backers of this party are mostly Big oil and the rich. They really do not discriminate but are vary much slaves to their financial backers and thus the reason why I don't support them. I personally do not feel they listen to the people they represent.

The New Democratic Party(NDP) was founded in 1961 by Tommy Douglas and is a social democratic party that has never formed government federally . It has only formed government provincially at random times. The NDP was formed by collective unions and the Canadian Labor Congress .Tommy Douglas was a champion of social democracy, and is best known as the father of medicare, after introducing Canada’s first government funded health insurance in Saskatchewan. The party was mostly based of the socialist ideals which inflated government spending, national debt and public sector jobs. They are vary much for the Unions! They believe in social programs like welfare , old age pension, dental care, and workers comp.. My issue is with their continued manipulation of worker rights to essentially bankrupt business and make people slaves working two jobs to survive and to make anyone under a collective agreement a slave to the unions without any legal rights to defend one self. This is emoral and unethical!. Not to mention the fact that most Unions are bought out by privet entities in the first place to take away workers rights. It is remained true for this party since their formation. As they scream workers rights they harm businesses and people alike. It is important to remember that a Union is. It is essentially your legal representation to bargain in good faith for wages and working conditions. You pay the union dues off your pay cheque and when you ask them to enforce a policy they do nothing but sit on their asses with no recourse legally as you signed your rights away and company you work for bought them out. This the level of corruption I can't stand for..

The Green Party of Canada is a political party that advocates its core values of ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy and non-violence. The Green Party of Canada was founded in 1983 by Trevor Hancock . This party has not had vary much publicity through media however has stood firm against LNG projects, Oil pipelines and new hydro damns as well as the funding of fast faeries . Their leadership has been controversial at times due to he questionable actions of their leaders. I believe that the public is rightfully confused on where they stand on a lot of things which turns people away . I am one of those people. However if I had to choose a alternate to the current one I support this would be it.

The Libertarian Partty of Canada was founded in 1973 by Bruce Evoy . They believe in free markets, less government, property rights and the non-aggression principles . This may seem like vary easy to understand but trust me its not unless you have a open mind. Many people think to be liberarian you have to be a anarchist . This is not true!. Their are classical liberals, anarchists, Anarcho-Capitalism, Civil Libertarianism, Fiscal Libertarianism. Geolibertarianism, Libertarian Socialism, Minarchism, Neolibertarianism, Objectivism and finally Paleolibertarianism. Which all have their own philosophical beliefs. Generally speaking here in Canada most tend to lean rather towards anarchists or classical liberal . Free markets means less restrictions like building permits and zoning laws that prevent business from starting up and as well as understanding that taxation is theft . There is a difference between asking someone for money and giving people a choice . Instead government forcibly takes money from you for things that you did not agree to pay for. Carbon tax is still tax which is theft and dose nothing to fight climate change which by the way increases the prices on products. Following the non-aggression principles it means that no matter what I do not have the right to initiate force on someone for any reason other then to protect myself or someone else. That I do not have the right to force my ideals on others and by doing so is morally and ethically wrong. That I should be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Lastly the belief of individual property rights. You will note what I said in the beginning about not having the right to initiate force on others. This means even though someone may say something I do not like it dose not give me the right to harm them or to get others to harm them on my behalf. On the same token it dose not give others the right to to force their ideals on me by using others to make me think,say or believe what you want me to by any means and that includes using government to do it. That if I own property rather physical or intellectual that I being the owner of it should be able to do as I wish with it and enjoy the fruits of my labor without anyone violating my rights to it. Alot of times we preach personal responsibility by not using the gun in the room which is government to resolve our problems and to seek peaceful solutions to emoral or unethical behavior such as boycotting business, speaking the truth about them, speaking to the people involved to resolve issues or recommending open competitors against such behavior as these are better ways then involving government. Social programs like EI and welfare should never existed and make people dependent on them. It has been proven time and time again that churches and charities are better suited to help those in need via donations from the privet citizens. Things like MSP's here in BC are emoral is government forces you into a program that is grossly mismanaged with no real accountability. The fact that wait times are so long and finding a GP is nearly impossible is a perfect example of how much of a mess it is . This can be solved by having a hybrid system and opening it up to the privet sector so their can be open competition to lower prices and incentives new doctors to stay here. What about the education sector which is run by government . Also a perfect example of a mess. What if privet schools were not so heavily regulated ? The public school system is use more and more to push political narratives into children with teachers whom are not even interested in what they do half the time and a teachers union that dose not even listen to the teachers and acts on their own to lobby for higher wages that are unreasonable. Not to mention the amount of bureaucracy in the public sector and lack on accountability .I can keep going on and on but I think you get the point I am trying to make. Less government involvement in peoples lives is essential to individual freedom and we all need to take some personal responsibility. This is the party I stand for and will always stand for.

Now my idea of what government should be involved in is vary limited. Health care , deference of our country and assisting the growth of business by means of mediation between countries. I do not believe our troops should be used overseas in conflicts that have nothing to do with us. They should be here at home protecting our borders and enforcing our laws nothing else. It is not to tax/ steel from people or to involve themselves in peoples lives . Not to force people to one collective ideal. Not to disarm the populace under fear mongering tactics. How about being a educator for the people and instead of doing what people want telling them the truth ?Learn to inform people why things are not a good idea instead of ignoring them. This is my idea of what leadership looks like.

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