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  • The Canadian Frost

Socialism Vs Capitalism and the failure of the state

Good morning! first off let me say the following things. I am utterly floored of the lack of knowledge people have in regards how economic systems work and their hypercritical statements. I am writing this because here in Canada the liberal , NDP, ,PC and Green party are all socialists in nature. . Their is a lot of proof of this if you just look at their party platforms. Our federal government is run by a majority liberal government that acts vary much like a tyrant and oppresses free speech by legislation, that believes in the increase of social programs(bigger government), legal theft via taxes as a means of wealth redistribution , and that the collective valves out weight the individuals god given right to self ownership and property rights. If you think I am wrong in this you have not been paying attention to what they are doing even today!!. There are state sponsored broadcasters like CBC and affiliates  that keep pushing the Liberal narratives on the public and when they are challenged they call the people who challenge them alt right , racist, fascist or worse as a means to discrediting the person involved and if that fails the violently protest . I ask only one thing! Think for yourselves and don't let me or anyone else tell you what to think . Seek facts and evidence not hearsay or conjecture.  So here we go.. This is going to be a post on socialism vs capitalism . I will first start off with socialism .

A vary common argument I hear all over the place is that most people believe in free health care and education. This is what the average person believes socialism is!  This is a huge misconception. Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. What dose this mean you might ask? It means the product of your labor is not yours but rather the government or the collective group and is redistributed without your consent to actors or agencies you have no control over. This is normally done via taxes aka legal theft. The three best examples of socialism is Venezuela ,Denmark and North Korea. The Venezuelan government revealed a 65% increase in maternal mortality and a 30% increase in infant mortality, with 11 466 infants dying during 2016. Venezuela is a failed state due to extremely high taxes and mass starvation . Medicine has gone missing many times over and the political figures have been corrupted according to the Lancet artical I am referencing.  Their tax rate is at 34 percent to 68 percent depending on if you own your business or property. Not to mention the many starving people in that country and the fact that it is going bankrupt due to economic collapse. Yes this is factual and true as you can simply look at up on YouTube. What about North Korea? Yes same thing!. Their people starve . There is mass dictatorship and wealth is controlled and owned by the government. They have a horrible health care system and their people have no control over their own lives. Yes socialism dose come in different forms and North Korean is the most extreme . So lets go to a less extreme version shall we. Lets try Denmark! Yes we hear this one a lot to don't we?. Denmark is based off the Nordic system of socialism . Healthcare in that country is 10% of their GDP. To pay for this the average taxes aka legal theft is at 60.2 % with the average wage of  43,000.00 annually .That works out to 20 an hours wage before taxes. Think about this for a minuet . That means that you are making roughly 11.70 an hour take home pay and food is expensive there. A one bedroom apartment is about 1,322.54 CDN a month. That's right that means you have a choice starve or have a roof over your head.  Dose it still sound good to you? I swear that I am not making this up!. Everyone who encourages socialist agenda's should take some personal responsibility and know what they are talking about !! Stop asking the government for things that instigate theft  via taxation and do something to better society! Every known socialist state has gone bankrupt, their people starve, or the cost of living is so high due to government control that businesses cant survive. Not to mention the dictatorship of the collective group telling you what to do with your body, life and property. This is immoral and utterly unethical. 

Now for capitalism !.Capitalism is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.  This means that you as the individual own the product of your labor.That means that you as a privet person can set prices or barter in relation to your product or property.  Some of the downfalls of this has led to wealth inequality some might say . This is a vary common argument!. The counter narrative to this(The logical and correct one) would be that even though someone is rich dose not give you the right to steal from them via taxation or instigate such force against them that would also incite theft. It dose give you the right to boycott them or protest if they are immoral actors and compete against them in the open and free market. Perhaps set up social networks in your community educating people about said business that diminishes their wealth via honest and true open debate. Wait that would make sense ! LOL. Can't have that now can we!. Then there is the argument of the environment and human waste. We humans do throw out a lot of stuff that the market produces in relation to consumer demand. So much that keeping up with consumer demand is nearly impossible to do and will diminish world resources at a high rate.  Things like car batteries, plastics, and food waste are perfect examples of human waste. Did you know that 31 billion dollars worth of food waste goes into landfills each year here in Canada alone  . This is also a sign that we consume more then we actually use. The UN has stated that globally we throw out 1.3 trillion tones of waste each year and yet 850,000.00  Canadians use food banks per a year.  As a result of capitalism less people starve and the bigger issue is obesity. True fact 1 in 3 adults in Canada are actually obese or over weight.The argument that capitalism is the main cause for starvation is complete and utter bull shit. This dose not mean that we should look to government to solve this problem but look into our communities working together to educate one another on the issue as well as looking toward the privet sector for solutions as they have more lee way to develop  products.The market is always looking for ways to reduce harm to the environment by investing in renewable resources and technology. A perfect example of this is when they started banning plastic straws all over the world due to the amount of plastics in the ocean. The free market then came out with paper straws that are biodegradable and are still looking for alternatives due to consumer demand. Side note here as well is that by doing so will drive the cost of goods up. How about the fact the market has found a way to turn biodegradable products into energy! Yes this tech dose exist.  The next argument against capitalism is that it encourages anit-social behavior based on the theory that  a individual will be profit motive driven. This is remarkably false. Do you not think that each person has been brought up with certain morals, ethics and principles? Do you not think that charity is a common theme among us all? That we would not strive to help others ? Just look at Canada as a whole!. I can name many times again and again when people(This includes the rich) here stood up and open their wallets for those in need. Not only here but also internationally. Another side note to this is that most capitalist believe in some form of religious structure . Ben Shipero is a Jew, Steven Crowder is a catholic , Bill Gates is also Catholic . I can keep going.!! Individuals know best how to spend their own damn money not have government  steal it from them and spend it on things in a horrific fashion. My favorite argument against capitalism is that it forms a dictatorship.  This is only because of the socialist parties striving for power in government. Most capitalist who get involved are not in it for the intent of harming people but for profit. This leads to what is referred to as "Crony Capitalism"(Yes I am guilty of using this term) . Alot of talk goes into this subject. How do you prevent it from happening?  How about less government involvement in peoples lives so these so called crony capitalist don't have to waste their time lobbing the government for shit. No government involvement in privet business means no means to corrupt it. Dose that not sound simple enough. Not to mention that in retrospect it is vary much the Marxists/ Socialist that are doing it not the true capitalist. The whole notion of crony capitalism is based on immoral behavior thus being greed .  You can't control someone by means of force as that is completely immoral. You can influence them not to do something,boycott their business, speak out against them when they are being immoral actors,  or compete against them in the open market. That's what it means to be a free person in a free market. Don't be a tyrant! You might ask how do you control world resources ? Well it was controlled by prices of goods until the socialist parties started to monopolize industries and regulate business via taxation and restriction on building. Think about this for a minuet. Say for example we here in Canada were getting low on Maple Syrup and the original price was .50 Cents a ltr. . Price would inflate to say 1$ a ltr as a result or more depending on supply and demand.  If we ran out (god forbid) then there would be no more means of production and the market would have to come out with a alternative  . I can tell you honestly that most corporations will always find a means of production to prevent it from going this far. The point in this is when prices are high the average person will not be able to afford the cost and drive demand away to prevent running out of stock . When prices are low it means that the product is highly available and that the business is looking to bring more customers in for profit.  When I sometimes use the word crony capitalists I am using it to describe immoral business being greedy and immoral due to their business practices .

If you have not guessed already I am vary much libertarian . I learned , I watched and than took action by seeking truth.. Can you do the same?

The below is one of my favorit debates !

See below resources :


Listverse- (Even though if you look at youtube vids its same arguments)

Encyclopedia of Britannica -


Stats can- (extra obesity stats)


Stefan Molyneux:

Institute for Humane Studies :

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