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  • Writer's pictureFrosty Knight

Language is essential to peace! 

Updated: Jun 15, 2019

Good afternoon my fellow Canadians and citizens of the world. I hope that everyone is doing well. First off let me start by saying that if you are the type of fear mongering Socialist / Marxist that is rapidly declining their intelligence by means of being a slave to government or globalist propaganda then this might trigger your social justice Warrior propagandist mentality. (lol) I am writing this as a means to communicate with the world a major issue that is more important then money and power. I am here today to write you all on the issues of free speech and language and why it is of vital importance. I am not going to go on a tirade and talk about the history of free speech but the practical way we should use it in our everyday lives and how human intelligence effects how we communicate with people. A prime method of how our society is run by tyrants is by means of how our children are being taught in school. They are being taught lgbqt rights, English and French, science, math and social studies. Most of which are mandatory through out the years in school. The children are taught by their parents that you must go to school and get good grades and be nice to your teachers or you will fail in life. What they don't teach you is how to form a argument or debate, how to reason or critically problem solve, self defense or things that are essential to everyday life. They put that on parents which alot of times they don't know how to teach any of these things themselves. Don't get me wrong here as English, science, math and social studies are important but so are the others. Schools have become indoctrination camps for kids where they sit there and are told what to think and do instead of how to think for themselves and how to protect themselves from harm. This is not the future I want for my relatives . A future where government monopolizes the education system for their own benefit and causes harm to children is not what any parent should want for their kids. This is a clear violation of future generations ability to speak and articulate themselves effectively. I want you to sit and picture a moment in your life where you disagreed with someone you loved. I am sure we have all had these moments!. Now what instead of losing control of our emotions due to our sensitivity to the subject we sat down and spoke to each other like human beings?. I ask you all. Is sitting down and talking about problems that hard ?."The hardest thing to do in any conflict is to find meaningful ways to communicate and understand one another peacefully ". I have found this over and over again. When you advocate for a political or philosophical point people say it's hate speech, your a bigot, racists, Islamophobia, sexist, misogyny or that is the patriarchy.They say this to shut down opinion and debate they don't like instead of arguing facts or evidence and instead scream that virtue signaling ,victims mentality to the top of their lungs to political hacks who bend to their vary whim. When have we all become so void of personal responsibility that we fail to talk to one another? If we can just tolerate each other then that would be enough. Let us flee the false flags of collective race bating and think as individuals . Don't let others tell you what to think or do but find your answers upon the undying light shining in the darkness and cleanse away the lies and propaganda that these political hacks and main stream media tell you. We all must come back to reason so that we may be able to move forward. I understand that we are all human beings with emotions but we must learn tolerance before we can move forward and work together. This dose not mean dividing us by race baiting and planning in special interest groups to lobby government to solve your problems. We must all come to understand that we have been to reliant on others to do things for us. We all have lost our way to progress and move forward. This should be a conversation for a means to forgiveness of those who have sinned against you so that you may move on. If you have any idea who I am as a person you would understand that forgiveness starts with a conversation between the victim and the offender ,a means to end conflict if peace can not be achieved and lastly a means to move forward. I am not asking for you all to forgive those who have wronged you right away. It's like they say actions speak louder then words. If forgiveness can't be obtained then seek your own answers. No human being alive today can honestly tell me they would not seek justice and truth in regards to the wrongs that have been committed against them through out history. If you can make peace with yourselves then you may make peace with your neighbor . If we can do this the world will be a better place and the hatred of mankind will hopefully simmer. A last thought on the precept of peace and language . How we communicate with one another is imperative to mutual respect. Freedom of speech dose not take away any personal responsibility from what you say. However when you use a monopoly on violence to force people to respect you aka governments it is you who is the immoral actor as government has no place taking away the open market place of ideas and shutting down open debate because they are offended or you don't like what is being said. Being offended is not a excuse to shut down debate and others opinions . Nor is it right to make laws or edicts to restrict free speech. Words don't harm people . It is miss understandings and miss communication that harm people. If we could all do the above and start telling these political hacks that we don't need them any more and look to our neighbor , family, friends, churches and community all our lives will come back to a state of reason. My challenge to my fellow Canadians is this. If you ever go to a town hall where a politician is speaking and you get the mic. Tell them that they are not needed or welcome anymore . That the community is stronger when we look to each other and not inflating government to benefit the rich elitist in parliament . That or sovereign right to free speech is something they can never take away from us regardless of their laws or edicts. Lastly we Canadians will always stand strong against tyranny of any kind and that also includes from our politicians here at home. Show us all the respect and dignity we deserve as citizens of this great nation or leave this place. If I had the opportunity to say the above I would gladly do so. Good night my fellow lovers of liberty and Canadians . Until next time!

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